Saturday, March 15, 2008

Some good info. if you can use it...

In case you find yourself in an intelligent conversation about Sen. Obama's pastor and want to have some additional insight, here is someone WHITE speaking on behalf of Rev. Wright (come on, you know it helps when you quote white people, LOL)

I pulled these because of some mess I heard on local talk radio Friday. The radio station my show plays on is conservative to say the least. Rush Limbaugh is the main draw during the weekday. Well, a local host tried to take on the Rev. Wright comments but he was ill equipped. A caller said that he was Catholic and has been his entire life and had to endure the priest sleeping with boys scandal. He said Obama can't be held accountable for his pastor's actions. Then the host said something to effect of 'Obama shouldn't subject his wife and children to talk like that and Rev. Wright is the head of that church so he is the equivalent of The Pope.' See, that's some ol' ignant ish right there. So tomorrow on the air I'll address this before I start my "real" show.

NOTE: If you want to listen in, my show is Key Conversations and we are on at 6pm EST you can go here and click LISTEN LIVE (near top right side) and you can hear us. My topic this week is "Black's and Lincoln: What is the connection and why the recent disconnect." Our state is battling with Indiana and Illinois for claim to Lincoln. His 200th birthday is coming and there are celebrations planned and the white folks want Blacks to be on committees to come up with a way to acknowledge him for freeing the slaves and most of us don't want nothing to do with that one. So we're going to to have one of my favorite local scholars on. Her name is Alicestyne Adams and she is the head of the Underground Railroad Research Institute at Georgetown College.


Unknown said...

i had no clue about that one...

Don said...

I didn't know you had a show. I am going to check you out. I have no comment about Wright's feelings towards this country. I will only say there is some truth in his words, although the association with Obama is not good for Obama's bid.