Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Little Girlfriends

Many people in my life have impressed upon me the importance of creating friendships for my daughter.  With her being an only child who is homeschooled, so many people focused on her socialization.  I never sweated that.  I knew that between cousins and my friends children she'd have enough interaction with children until we found some girls with like interests.

We're finally getting there.  Take these two sisters for example. They are into dance and gymnastics but really admire Babygirls singing ability.  They are older and encouraging. Babygirl did not take to ballet and falls asleep during the Nutcracker but loves to go back stage afterward to congratulate her friends and see their costumes and make up up close.  A bonus in this case is that the mom is one of my buddies from before Babygirl was born.  I trust her with the family.

Learning to be a supportive friend is a LEARNED skill.  I'm trying to instill that early.  That is why I don't believe that children under 10 should be left alone without direct observation.  Allowing them some space but still monitoring their actions and conversations is essential for guidance and grooming.

I'll take QUALITY friends over a large quantity any day.

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