Friday, March 5, 2010

Extreme Classroom Makeover - A lesson in bargain shopping

We're midway through Kindergarten and we out grew the classroom-in-the-bedroom-corner set up. We transformed our family/tv room into the new classroom area.

What most homeschool parents won't admit is how expensive it can be to teach at home. I think I'm going to do a series on ways to save money and find bargains.

All the furniture in this room, plus some you don't see, was less than $20. We found it at a surplus auction at The University of Kentucky. If interested in bargain shopping at auctions, I recommend surplus auctions over the junk filled ones with personal sellers. Usually they want too much for something that should be in a yard sale. Surplus goes for any price, no minimum.

Try local colleges, board of education, police department or library for sales. This one comes every 2-3 months. Next time we're going for a microscope, tv or exercise equipment.

Here are early shots of the room. We've done some more wall decorations since this was taken and started filling the book shelves a bit more.

Laminated wood plaques with prayer, national and quotes as you enter

Two tables $5 (one shown) Seven foot bookcases $5 (one shown)

I got three of these desks for $2 total! All chairs for $2 total.

Mommy-made curtains

1 comment:

Don said...

Good deal on everything. The furniture is very nice and the cost must have brought a smile to your face. I love the prayer as you enter theme. I love the spacious look as well. It definitely has a classroom look and by these being only early shots I can only imagine the end result.