My old laptop is a dinosaur!
So you new jacks may not realize what you're looking at here. Let me help you out.
1. The key board quit working so I had to plug in an alternate keyboard.
2. That thing sticking out on the left, that's a LAN card that allows me to pick up a wireless signal. I got this the year before wi-fi was built in.
3. 256MB of Ram doesn't even allow me to play games on Facebook. Super slow.
But then my Awesome Dad bought me a new laptop to celebrate our paper getting DNC Press Credentials.
A Dell Inspiron Special Edition 15R and I love it!!!
It's loaded! 8 Gigs of RAM and 1 TB memory and cloud storage and....and...and...
I am going to be blogging and writing up a storm on this thing.
Everybody needs toys, no matter how old. I think I'm going to start a new category on my favorite toys.
Aww, welcome to the future lol. How about I had that exact same laptop (the old one). I loved it. In fact we just gave it away when we redid the classroom. It was being utilized as the boys computer. Enjoy your new toy!
I am flying all over the 'net on this thing. It is :o) Thanks for stopping by new blog buddy!
Welcome to the future. Hilarious.
Thank God for awesome Dads. Not to mention the inspiration of added keyboard to the laptop. Lol.
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